Geir Egil Bergjord, born in Time, Norway, 13.08.1964,
Address: Store Skippergate 33, N-4013 Stavanger, Norway
Tel. +47 51 89 33 39 / +47 922 27 616
e-mail: geiregil(a)bergjord.com
Solo Exhibitions
2020 Return trip to STAVANGER, Stavanger Martime Museum (Norway)
2020 Gilka QTLY #1#6, Velferden Centre for Contemporary Art (Norway)
2017 Xmas Miscellaneous event/solo show, Studio 17 project Room, Stavanger (Norway)
2016 Revolving Door, Glazed Cabinet and Water Surfaces, The old vicarage at Hå (Norway)
2016 Revolving Door, Glazed Cabinet and Water Surfaces, Bryne Art Society (Norway)
2016 Offpiste Hommage à Florence Henri, temporary land art along County Road 44
2013 Private Views, Stavanger Art Museum (Norway)
2013 Pasning, duo show with Mona Orstad Hansen at Galleri Gann, Sandnes (Norway)
2008 Stavanger S (Stavanger train station), initiated by Rom for Kunst, Stavanger/Oslo (Norway)
2004 Molitrix showroom, Stavanger (Norway)
2000 Rogaland Contemporay Art Centre, Stavanger, (Norway)
1999 Hordaland Art Centre, Bergen (Norway)
1998 Stavanger Kunstforening (Norway)
1998 UKS galleri, Oslo (Norway)
1998 Tromsø Kunstforening, Tromsø (Norway)
1996 Galleri Otto Plonk, Bergen (Norway)
Collective shows
2020 Le Book Club Chapter 1; Zines of the Zone, Fotogalleriet, Oslo (Norway)
2019 Metafysica, Haugar Art Museum (Norway), curated by Tone Lyngstad Nyaas,
2017 Interventions in Sauda art and exhibition project in the city, initiated by The City of Sauda
2015 CROSSROADS from Watkins to Wilse from Wilse to Welling, Drammens Museum (Norway)
2014 CROSSROADS from Watkins to Wilse from Wilse to Welling, Lillehammer Art Museum (Norway)
2011 Base Camp, Tou Scene, Stavanger (Norway)
2008 The North Sea Project, Rogaland Contemporary Art Centre, Stavanger (Norway)
2008 The North Sea Project, Atticsalt, Edinburgh (United Kingdom)
2008 111th Annual Exhibition, Royal Scottish Academy, Edinburgh (United Kingdom)
2007 Fotografiets dag, Preus museum, Horten (Norway)
2006 Pets in art, Sandnes kunstforening, Sandnes (Norway)
2005 50/50, Sandnes Kunstforening - 50th anniversary, Sandnes (Norway)
2005 Mitt språk, (part of Norway 2005’s jubilee program) prod: Sølvberget, Stavanger Cultural Centre (Norway)
2002 Tsunami, prod: Molitrix, Stavanger (Norway)
2001 G.!, Jæren meieri, Bryne (Norway)
2000 Fotografia Contemporánea Noruega, Centro Cultural Borges, Buenos Aires (Argentina)
1998 Standard keyboard, Pineapple, Malmö (Sweden)
1998 «Refusert. Kuratorens utvalg», Stavanger Kunstforening, Stavanger (Norway)
1997 Christmas Exhibition? (Juleutstilling?), Galleri Sølvberget, Stavanger (Norway)
1997 Ethnography and Culture of the Worlds Nations, Riga (Latvia)
1996 JUbiLEums-shop, UKS galleri, Oslo (Norway)
1996 «p-sportif», Galleri Hyper, Hyperfoto nr. 3-4/96, art magazine
1996 «p-sportif», Zoolounge, Oslo (Norway)
Annual exhibitions
Høstutstillingen (Annual national exhibition of visual arts) 2011, 2007, 2006, 2003, 1998 and 1995, Oslo (Norway)
Vestlandsutstillingen (Annual regional exhibition of visual arts) 2001, 1998 and 1997, Bergen, Stavanger etc (Norway)
Vårutstillingen (Annual exhibition of photographic arts) 1999 and 1998, Fotogalleriet, Oslo (Norway)
Public art
2019 Blue Lines, Stord Nursing Home, Stord (Norway)
2015 Variations on Gisketjern, Sandnes High School
2014 Passenger, Søgne City Hall, Norway
2013 Rock wave, Petroleumstilsynet, Stavanger (Entra)
2012 Steps & Biology, Bryne High School, Norway
2009 Ryfylke Museum, historic museum in Sand, Ryfylke (Norway)
2008 HitecVision AS, Stavanger (Norway)
2007 Marathon Petroleum Company Norge A/S, Stavanger (Norway)
2007 There And Back, photo project commisioned by Norwegian Public Road Administration, Drammen
2007 Storhaug idrettshall, Stavanger (Norway)
2006 Norwegian Maritime Directorate. Haugesund (Norway)
2006 Sola DPS, Sola kommune (Norway)
2005 Boganes omsorgsboliger, Stavanger (Norway)
2004 Søreide sykehjem, Bergen (Norway)
2004 Adjunkt Hauglandsgate bofelleskap, Stavanger (Norway)
2003 Storhaug og Hundvåg offentlige servicekontor, Stavanger (Norway)
2013 Stavanger Art Museum
2000 Arts Council Norway
1996 Bergen Museum of Art, Bergen (Norway)
Books, films and printed matter
2020 Gilka QTLY #4, photo magazine, ISSN 2535-7700 (available from January)
2019 Gilka QTLY #3, photo magazine, ISSN 2535-7700
2018 Gilka QTLY #2, photo magazine, ISBN 978-82-92829-05-9
2018 Gilka QTLY #1, photo magazine
2016 Geir Egil Bergjord Offpiste, photo book, ISBN 978-82-92829-03-5 (Gilka)
2010 La maison de sons de Pierre Henry, photo book, ISBN 978-2-84975-213-5 (Fage édition)
2010 Pierre Henry’s House of Sounds, photo book, ISBN 978-82-92829-02-8 (Gilka)
2008 CROMARTY 10/910/11 2007, photo book, ISBN 978-82-92829-01-1 (Gilka in collaboration with Cromarty Arts Trust)
2007 Stavanger aftenland, photo project/calendar (selfpublished)
2006 ROMA, photo book, ISBN 978-82-92829-00-4 (Gilka)
2004 BERLIN, photo book, ISBN 978-82-521-6528-1(Det Norske Samlaget)
2002 Casuals (Tilforlateleg), photo booklet (selfpublished)
1999 ÖKO_TURNAMAT 2000, short film/animation presented in 35 mm for cinema screening (selfproduced)
1998 Grandmother’s (Hjå farmor), photo booklet (selfpublished)
Web projects
2008 «Cromarty in Stereo», web-log, www.bergjord.com/cromarty
2005 «E’ pericoloso sporgersi», web log, www.bergjord.com/roma
2003 «www.endofcivilization.com», nine animated circles
2003 «HÖREN SIE BITTE UND SPRECHEN SIE NACH», web log, www.bergjord.com/berlin
2003 «A Rainy Night In Milan!», slidesshow, www.localmotives.com nr. 10.0
2002 «The Sauda Experience (SAUDA! STREIK!)», www.localmotives.com nr. 8.1
2000 «The Rogaland Story», www.localmotives.com nr. 2.0
1999 ÖKO_TURNAMAT 2000, 35 mm photo animation for cinema screening
2001 Nordlichter, Filmhaus Stöbergasse, Wien (Austria)
2000 Transat Video Screenings, Batofar, Paris (France)
2000 42. Nordische Filmtage Lübeck, Filmpalast Stadthalle, Lübeck (Germany)
2000 The Norwegian Filmfestival, Haugesund (Norway)
2000 Norwegian Short Film festival, Grimstad (Norway)
2000 Animerte Dager, Fredrikstad (Norway)
Other projects
2000-2004 Localmotives vol 1-10, co-editor and webmaster, localmotives.com
2005 «1:1», Rogaland Art Center, co-curated Localmotives
2002 «SHOWCASE NO», Localmotives vol 8, co-editor Helge Thornes
1999 «ÖKO_TURNAMAT 2000», 35 mm short film for cinema screening
2019 launch of Gilka QTLY #3 at Oslo Photo Book Festival and Studio 17 (Stavanger)
2019 partisipitation at Bastard Art Bok Fair, Lillehammmer (Norway)
2018 launch of Gilka QTLY #2 at Bergen Art Book Fair 1-4/11
2018 launch of Gilka QTLY #1 at Rogaland Contemporary Art Centre 13/9 and Oslo Photo Book Festival 16/9
2016 Book launch and artist talk with Øivind Storm Bjerke at Sentralen (Oslo) 25. mai
2010 Book launch programmed by Kapittel 10 at Bøker & Børst, Stavanger Norway, 25 September
2010 Book launch programmed by Ultima at Henie Onstad Art Centre, Oslo Norway, 12 September
2008 Book launch and video screening, z2o Galleria l Sara Zanin, Rome 15 May
2008 Book launch, Rogaland Contemporary Art Centre, Stavanger, 27 March
2008 Book launch, Stables, Cromarty, 16 March
2007 Book presentation, Cities of Hospitality, Sølvberget Stavanger Cultural Centre
2006 Book launch, Fotogalleriet, Oslo, 13 December
2006 Book launch, Transit Art Space, Stavanger, 23 November
2004 Book launch programmed by Kapittel 04 in Molitrix showroom, Stavanger, 15 September
1999 Premiere film showing, «Øko_Turnamat 2000» in Stavanger Cinema 18 November,
Artist in residence
2020 Rome, Circolo Scandinavo Per Artisti e Scienziati
2019 Berlin, The City Council of Stavangers artist residency
20162017 Paris, Cité Internationale des Arts
2016 Berlin, The City Council of Stavangers artist residency
2015 Rome, Circolo Scandinavo Per Artisti e Scienziati
2009 Paris, Residences Internationales aux Récollets
2007 Scotland, Cromarty Arts Trust (North Sea Exchange/Stavanger2008)
2005 Rome, Circolo Scandinavo Per Artisti e Scienziati
2003 Berlin, The City Council of Stavangers artist residency
2020/2015/2009/1998 Project support from Arts Council Norway
2020/2019/2018/2015/2010 Rogaland County Council, project support
2019 Project support from Arts Council Norway «Artistic publications and Script Development»
2019/2018/2014/2012/2000/1998 Exhibition Grant (from Arts Council Norway)
2019 Cultural Grant from Rogaland County Council
2019/2017/2015/2006/2004 project support from Norwegian Visual Artists Remuneration Fund
2019/2016/2005/2004/2002 grant from Norwegian Visual Artists Remuneration Fund
2018/2011/2009/2007/2005 project funding from Norwegian Professional Photographers Fund
2017/2013/2012/ 2007/2003 Government’s Grants for Artists Miscellaneous
2015/2005 The Relief Fund for Visual Artist, Norway
2014 Norwegian Government grants for artists 2 years
2012/2011 Project support from The City Council of Stavanger
2011/2005/1998 Norwegian Photographic Fund
2008 2-year grant from Visual Artist Compensation Fund, Norway (Billedkunstnernes Vederlagsfond)
2007 Artist grant from Sparebanken Vest
2002/2005 International support from OCA (Office of Contemporary Art, Norway)
2003 Fund for Art and new technology, Arts Council Norway
2003 Grant from Die Norwegish-Deutsche Willy-Brandt Stiftung
2000 The Norwegian Goverments installation grant
1999 Grant from the Norwegian Film Institute
1999 Grant from Vestnorsk Filmsenter
1999 Project support from Stavanger 2000
1999 Project support from Norsk Kassettavgiftsfond
1998 The City Council of Stavangers cultural grant
1997 Debutant support from Norwegian Cultural Fund
1994 Didn’t You HK Superiore, Compact Disc
1990 Homokommunistene julen 1990, porselain plate
1990 It’s Everywhere/Let’s Sleep Forever Homokommunistene, withdrawn Christmas 7” vinyl
1989 Vennlig hilsen Homokommunistene, Music Cassette
198587 Graphic design studies at Bergeland College, Stavanger
1983/84 Art foundation studies at Bergeland College, Stavanger
20032010 Guest tutor at Rogaland School of Art
20012002 Exhibition manager for The National Touring Exhibitions, Norway
19972001 Graphic designer at Sølvberget, Stavanger Cultural Centre (part time).
19901992 Fine art printing assistent at Graphic Workshop, Stavanger (BKFR).
Selected photographic commissions
2008 «Mitt Ryfylke», 2 min photo animation/film for Ryfylke IKS, commissioner Fasett
2004 «Antony Gormleys Broken Column», ed. Jan I. Reilstad, art book, Wigestrand, ISBN 82-91370-66-4
2003 «Idsøe 1828-2003», anniversary book, commissioner Fasett
Selected press
2020 Trond Borgen Ferjene glir lydløst forbi, exhibition review, Stavager Aftenblad 23. November, page 48
2019 Mona Pahle Bjerke Metafysica, exhibition review, NRK radio, Studio 2 P2, 1. oktober
2016 Øivind Storm Bjerke Photographic Mirror for Reality, text written for the book Offpiste (Gilka), page 8593
2016 Anne Therese Tveita Helt på jordet, exhibition review, Stavanger Aftenblad 18 May, page 34
2014 Øivind Storm Bjerke Crossroads, book, Labyrinth Press, page 77, 78, 248 and 249
2013 Trond Borgen Flott kunstnerisk dialog, exhibition review, Stavanger Aftenblad, 8 November
2011 Jonny Trunk A Museum Piece, book review, Record Collector September 2011, page 108
2011 Philip Clark Looking Through the Keyhole on a Musique Concrète Pioneer, book review, Gramophone July, p103
2011 Louise Gray Pierre Henry’s House of Sounds, book review, The Wire, March issue, page 68
2011 Guy Cherqui La casa dei suoni di Pierre Henry, book review, Amadeus (It) March issue, page 59
2010 Arnfinn Bø-Rygg Bilder og lyd fra et alkymistisk verksted, book review Stavanger Aftenblad 1 November
2008 Erling Moestue Bugge Europeiske dagbøker, book review, Kunstkritikk.no 27 juni
2007 Hector Mackenzie Snapper’s View of the Black Isle, interview, Ross-Shire Journal 16 November, page 3
2007 Beathe C. Rønning Julekalender for høsten, editorial, Kunstkritikk.no 21 September
2004 Trond Borgen Mythos Berlin, book and exhibition review, Stavanger Aftenblad 20 September, page 40
2000 Alina Tortosa The Norwegian Weeks, exhibition review, Buenos Aires Herald 22 October, page 11
2000 Ole Petter Bakken Öko_Turnamat 2000, film review, Z filmtidsskrift 72 (nr. 2), page 87
1999 Øystein Hauge Når fotografiet ser tilbake, exhibition review, Bergens Tidende 5 February, page 25
Member of UKS (Young Artists Association), NBK (Norwegian Visual Artists). FFF (Association of Fine Art Photographers in Norway) and BKFR (Visual artists, Rogaland)
Web-portfolio: www.bergjord.com