CROMARTY 10/9–10/11 2007
61 days in The Scottish Highlands

23/9 2007 –
Denne 50 passasjers og 2 bils ferja, er den minste i Storbritannia. I sommarhalvåret går den frå Cromarty til Nigg kvar heile og halve time. Planen min for i kveld var å ta den att og fram, og fotografere Cromarty frå sjøen. Eg var på plass i havna i god tid til siste avgang kl 18, men vart her fortald at ferja ikkje ville returnere før neste morgon. Å tilbringe natta i Nigg, var ikkje ein del av planen. Betre å spare ferjeturen til ein annan dag.
This 50 passenger and 2 car ferry is the smallest in the UK. It runs from Cromarty to Nigg on the hour and half hour. My plan for this evening was to take it back and forth, and shoot some nice photos of Cromarty from the sea. I got to the harbour in time for the last ride at 6 pm. But then I was told that the ferry would not return until tomorrow morning. Staying the night in Nigg was not a part of the plan. Better save the trip for some other day.
‹‹‹ 22/9

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