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To go by train…

My first journey in Europe was by train. I was 19 years old. I still have a vivid memory of the first night on the train. Heading south through Germany, with an Inter-rail ticket in my pocket and no sleeper booked (I was too excited to sleep anyway). Standing by an open window, I could feel the warm summer night through my hair. Looking at the flat landscape passing and listening to the rhythmic sound of the train, I was more than excited to be on the way to something I did not yet know.

Stavanger is the final stop of "Sørlandsbanen". All of Europe is at the other end. But first you'll have to get to the train station.

Geir Egil Bergjord, Stavanger December 2008

Colosseum photographed through the window of tram number 3 in Rome, right after a heavy rainfall in April 2005. The photo was printed on 100 square-meter transparent foil and mounted on the facade of the train station in Stavanger, Norway. Dates of exhibition: 11 December 2008 – 15 March 2009. Location: Stavanger Stasjon. Produced for Rom for kunst by Kulturbyrået Mesén.

Stavanger Aftenblad 11/12 2008
Rogalands Avis 12/12 2008